How does a Beyonder boating subscription work?
How does it work?
Your Beyonder subscription lasts for 12 months. As part of this subscription, you select your chosen boat (see available boats here). Through the Beyonder booking system you can check availability and book your boat. You can have three pre-planned days booked at any one time, with bookings made up to six months in advance. As soon as you’ve used one of your planned days, you can book another.
As a Beyonder member you’ll have access to unlimited spontaneous use if your boat is available in the next 48 hours. Simply book the boat, jump aboard and set off (the boat will even be fully fueled!). These unlimited days can be booked in addition to your planned days – a perfect way to take advantage of great weather and cancelled plans! If your boat isn’t available in the next 48 hours, but a similar boat is, you can book that instead either at your home marina or in another UK location.
What does it cost?
The monthly subscription fee you pay all depends on which boat you choose. There is no joining or initial sign-up fee but, if you don’t already have a Powerboat Level 2 qualification, you will need to cover the cost of the training which we can arrange for you with one of our training partners.
Enjoy unlimited use of the Jeanneau Cap Camarat 7.5 WA Série3 for only £602/month
Take a brand new Jeanneau Merry Fisher 795 out whenever you want for £602/month
The onboarding process
We want our Beyonder members to feel confident taking their boat out. All members are required to have an RYA Powerboat Level 2 (PB2) qualification.
If you’ve already got your PB2
You’ll still need the one-day orientation session and we’ll do our best to find a day that suits you.
If you haven’t got your PB2
We’ll help you get the training you need with the help of our dedicated RYA training partner. In some cases you can combine your PB2 two day course and the orientation session together on the Beyonder boat, and only be charged the RYA PB2 course fee.
Although not mandatory, we also encourage all Beyonder customers to hold the RYA VHF Short Range Certificate which is a licence to operate the marine VHF radio on each boat.